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Diyhotwater - Solar Hot Water

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 8, 2013 | 6:17 PM

"On this very page you are going to learn...How to eliminate 1/3 of your power bill by making your own solar hot water system!"

Heating water takes an immense amount of energy and that's why it makes sense to build a solar hot water system for your home.

A solar water heater can reduce your electricity bill by up to 33% and setting up the system is dead simple.

Using easy to find parts you can make the solar heater in your backyard for under $100.


 These DIY plans have recently been made available online so you can get started with your project in just a few minutes.

Why build a solar hot water
system for your home? 

You can reduce your power bill by up to a third!
It will cost you no more than $100 to build the water heater.
This is a practical way to help our environment.
It's simple and you can make it just one weekend.
You can use the system anywhere in the world.
This is a great DIY project and you will have fun building it.
Enjoy the massive savings off your power bill.
You can get started in a few minutes from now!        


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Joseph S.P

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